WordPress Leeds – July 2019

Date: 23rd July, 18:00
Location: Platform

Our monthly meetup for WordPress users, bloggers and developers.

πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’ Our venue sponsor
A big thank you to Platform (https://bruntwood.co.uk/our-locations/leeds/platform/) who let us use their fantastic venue for free!

πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ• Our refreshment sponsor
Thanks to the lovely folks at 34SP.com (https://www.34sp.com/), there will be pizza for everyone at the start of the event.

πŸ“… Agenda

6:00pm: Doors open for pizza and drinks
6:15pm: Introduction and welcome
6:20pm: WordPress news from Tim Nash
6:30pm: Cleaning up a hacked WordPress site – Kayleigh Thorpe
7:10pm: Break for refreshments
8:30pm: Event finishes & Social

— Cleaning up a hacked WordPress site – Kayleigh Thorpe —

Kayleigh will be talking about signs a site is hacked, possible causes, what we do to clean a site as safely as possible, and there will be some prevention tips too

πŸ“£ Why not speak at a future event?

We are always looking for people to come and speak at our events. So if you have an idea for a talk, a discussion or just want to show folks what you have been working on, please get in touch. You don’t need to be a professional speaker or even to have spoken in a group before.

❓Request a talk

If you don’t want to do a talk, but are interested in hearing about a specific subject, or have an idea/problem, please get in touch and we will try and find someone who can help.