June 2018 – GDPR Special

Date: 26th June, 18:00
Location: The Platform

Our monthly meetup for WordPress users, bloggers and developers.

This month we have two speakers covering GDPR.

GDPR – an overview
The talk will seek to identify the issues facing us in implementing GDPR, and some practical steps which can be taken toward compliance. It is hoped that others will be able to bring in their own questions, discoveries and solutions (possibly even a smile).
David Swarbrick is now retired from practice as a solicitor, but has been involved in Data Protection issues since its inception.

How To Integrate WordPress’ GDPR features into Your Project
In WordPress 4.9.6 a lot of new privacy features were introduced into WordPress that will make achieving GDPR compliance just that little bit easier. In this talk, Rhys is going to talk through how he integrated the WordPress privacy features into his plugin.
Rhys Wynne is a WordPress Plugin developer, author and speaker. In 2013 he penned bbPress Complete (ISBN-13: 978-1782167242) and has written plugins that have been downloaded over 100,000 times. Rhys has a keen interest in commercial WordPress development, SEO, security and open source technologies, and enjoys the community that has surrounded open source technologies. He can be found on Twitter at @rhyswynne and plugins, themes and articles on WordPress written by Rhys can be found at Winwar Media.

A big thank you to Platform (https://bruntwood.co.uk/our-locations/leeds/platform/) who let us use their fantastic venue for free!

Thanks to the lovely folks at 34SP (https://www.34sp.com), there will be pizza for everyone at the start of the event.


6:00pm: Doors open for pizza and drinks
6:15pm: Introduction and welcome
6:20pm: WordPress news from Tim Nash
6:25pm: Crispin Read going to introduce the new PHP apprenticeship scheme
6:30pm: GDPR – an overview – David Swarbrick
7:10pm: Break for refreshments
7:20pm: How To Integrate WordPress’ GDPR features into Your Project – Rhys Wynne
8:00pm: Q&A open discussion
8:30pm: Event finishes & Social

After the event, we will be heading to The Brewery Tap (http://www.brewerytapleeds.co.uk/) for further discussion and drinks.

Why not speak at our next event?

We are always looking for people to come and speak at our events. So if you have an idea for a talk, a discussion or just want to show folks what you have been working on, please get in touch. You don’t need to be a professional speaker or even to have spoken in a group before.

If you don’t want to do a talk, but are interested in hearing about a specific subject, or have an idea/problem, please get in touch and we will try and find someone who can help.